TUESDAY: Lutheran Day at the Legislature
The date is quickly approaching for the Lutheran Advocacy Day at the Legislature, which Solveig Muus shared with us at our Advent 2 soup supper. As a reminder, Lutherans from across the state will gather at the Arizona Capitol Rose Garden for a day of advocacy THIS Tuesday, February 1, 2022 from 8:30 am - 10:30 am to learn, to witness, and voice our common needs in the public square, activating our faith in love. LAMA will be providing us with postcards to send to our local legislators, inviting them to join us on Feb 1, 2022 at the Capitol. It’ll be so fun!
While your advocacy juices are flowing, remember to sign up for the Request to Speak (RTS) program, which is a system that is administered by the Arizona Legislative Information Service. When you sign up through LAMA, they will create an account for you within the system. You can then log into that account and view/review the items that are in the legislature at the time. As a user of this system, you can “vote” for or against these measures. The system does not record actual votes, but rather shows your local legislator how his or her constituents are feeling on the matter, and helps to inform his or her decision on how to vote on the matter. For more RTS info from LAMA, click here.