Covid-Era Counting Procedures
As I’m sure you recall, early in the covid-19 pandemic, there wasn’t a lot of concrete evidence about how the virus was transmitted from person to person. If you’re like me, that meant that you were disinfecting every item that came into your home, hoping and praying that the disinfectant lasted, and was strong enough to kill the virus. It led to a lot of changes in cleanliness to which many of us are still adhering.
One of the biggest and most visible impacts that the confusing transmission has had on Faith Lutheran Church is how often the offerings are counted. Last April, our diligent and faithful team of counters began counting offerings twice a month - once in the middle of the month, and a second time at the end of the month. Some of you may have even noticed that your checks weren’t being cashed as quickly as you had anticipated.
While many of us are now fully vaccinated, and we are meeting in-person each week, we remain cautious and continue to do all that we can to limit every person’s potential for exposure to the virus. That said, our counters will continue to make deposits twice a month, rather than weekly, as they had been doing before the pandemic began.
If you have any questions as to how or why the offerings are counted in this manner, please do not hesitate to reach out to the church office at 602-265-3394 or