More Worship News

Midweek services during Lent will be available on YouTube each Wednesday.

Using “Community” as our Lenten theme, we will also provide devotions each week for you to use at home:

In community with Creation ~ Mark 4:35-41

In community with all the saints ~ Mark 9: 2-8

In community with our neighbor ~ Mark 2: 1-12

In community with those on the margins ~ Mark 5:1-20

In community with Christ ~ Mark 10:32-45

Jan Hulin has generously shared her Zoom account with the congregation for our regular weekly  C-Time. Please join us every Sunday morning at 10am. To join, click the link below, or use the QR code in this section.


C-Time: Sundays at 10am

Meeting ID: 842 7848 3326

Passcode: 852271

Because of the continued surge of COVID-19 cases in our community, we will continue to suspend in-person Sunday morning worship until further notice.  Weekly recorded worship will continue to be available on our YouTube channel

Calling all Evangelical Lutheran Worshippers!

 Do you need an ELW hymnal to follow along with the weekly Compline     services? If so, I’ve got great news for you: We have about 75 of them up for grabs in the church office.

If you’re interested in having one for your home, please contact Carly at or 602-265-3394 to set up a time to come in and pick yours up.


Church Council Corner


Holy Week Worship News