The “S” Course by Diakonia

We’ve been talking about it a lot lately, so here it is - Grand Canyon Synod’s Diakonia program is at it again. This Summer, join Pastor Stewart McDonald at the annual Diakonia Summer Retreat! The retreat will take place in two sessions over two weekends; July 10 and July 17, 8:45am to 12pm. This retreat will be conducted by Zoom. The cost is $20 per person.

Information on the topic of the retreat below, or you can click here to view the official flyer!

The “S” Course - Satan, Sin, EScatology, ReSurrection, and Salvation

What people believe today is not necessarily what people believed in biblical times. Indeed, human beliefs about a satan, sin, eschatology, resurrection and salvation have evolved over time. This course is a brief introduction of this evolution from the earliest parts of the Hebrew Scriptures, through the Babylonian exile, and into the New Testament for an exploration of what Jesus had to say about it all, and what the rest of the New Testament says. After we’ve gotten through all of that history, we will go over what we believe today. Then we will look at what might be an appropriate “S” Theology moving forward in the 21st century. The “S” course might surprise you, and even make you rethink what you yourself believe about the Five Ss.

To sign up, go to and click on the menu option “Retreats and Workshops” near the top of the page.


FLC Logo Contest!


An Update about Spanish Service