FLC Logo Contest!

As Faith makes its way through this time of transition - both in our pastoral leadership, and in our post-covid practices - we’ve really been thinking about how to convey our message of ministry to the general public. One of these ways is to reinvigorate our Mission, and our “branding” (if churches like us have a brand!)

Nico Adame, a student of animation at Mesa Community College (and also my brother) has designed four logos for Faith Lutheran Church which are intended to convey the liturgical, historical, and classical aspects of our ministries while including a little RIC notion that All Are Welcome. Take a look!

I know that we have some artists in our midst, so if you’ve got ideas for a logo for Faith, please email them to the Church office at info@faithalive.com by Monday, July 19. We’ll do a vote on our favorites in early August!


Hymns Alive!


The “S” Course by Diakonia