The Future of Faith Alive!
Faith Alive! has long been the key to keeping you up-to-date on the latest news in the congregation, but sometimes it feels like news moves too fast for a newsletter only once a month.
That is why we’re changing our correspondence to weekly! And online! Next week, you can expect to start receiving weekly emails with all the news you need for the week. Each item in the email will have a corresponding article on our website at, and when you click on the email, it will take you straight there.
Here’s what that means for you:
Fewer emails! Hooray!
Daily Boosts available on Facebook and Instagram
Increased flexibility for submission deadlines
Church news when it’s still news
No more losing previous issues of the newsletter in your inbox
There remain, of course, some items that will still be communicated regularly in a more private manner, such as financials and other members-only news. Those items will be sent as a separate email, and not published to the website.
You will also be able to find the monthly calendar, the upcoming readings, birthdays, anniversaries and baptisms on the website.