Spanish Ministry Update

To Faith La Fe members,

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,   

As you know, part of our transition process requires that we do a self-study and prepare a lengthy document highlighting our ministry plans as related to hiring and calling new pastoral leadership. In the evaluation process, we have discovered that we have had no contact with, or information from any families from our Spanish Language service, with the exception of three individuals who have attended and contributed help with services.

After prayerful consideration, our leadership team has determined that as of April 18th, 2021 we will be pausing our Spanish Language worship services for three months. During this time, we ask for participation from the Spanish-speaking portion of our congregation to determine next steps, and hopefully revive this vital piece of our ministry. Services will be planned when and if there is full response and discussion of ministry needs.

Please let us know if you and your family wish to help us restart this ministry with your commitment to attending and supporting the services and ministry.

If you would like to further discuss this decision, please contact the Church Council Members, Pastor Sarah Isakson or Vicar Veronica Alvarez.

From Church Council,

Heidi Boldway, Paul Bott, Danielle Bowen-Weiszmann, Dave Hulin, John Johnstonbaugh, Nick Pegelow, Sam Perez, Bunni Rowlett, Gail Turner, Mike Valder


Worship Assistants Needed!


In-Person Worship News!