Service Opportunities This Week

Our Worship Ministry is still in search of individuals who would like to serve in worship. Please use the form below to sign up for your preferred Sunday.

In order to keep our weekly services running smoothly, we need individuals or teams to step forward to serve in the following ways on Sunday mornings.

  • Property: This will be the first one to arrive, and the last one to leave. Property tasks primarily consist of opening up for worship, and closing down.

  • Sound: The person who turns the sound system on/off, preps wireless mics, and adjusts microphone volume levels during worship.

  • Altar: Altar Guild person who prepares communion elements, monitors all sanctuary appointments, and cares for linens and paraments.

  • Worship Assistants: Lector, and Crucifer for now, but as restrictions lift, we’ll be looking to further round our our worship party.

Remember to sign up to serve for our monthly work day on Saturday, May 15 from 9am to 12pm. Sign up form here!


Tell us about YOU!


Holy Week at Faith