Holy Week at Faith
Christ is risen! Alleluia!
Every year, we get to look forward to that glorious moment when Mary finds an empty tomb on the third day, but it’s not without its heartbreak. Here is a collection of our experiences from Holy Week this year.
Palm Sunday, March 28
Fifty-seven of us came to our outdoor worship service on Palm Sunday and it was wonderful to be able to come together and shout “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord!”
Maundy Thursday, April 1
Members of our Council joined Pastor Sarah, Vicar Veronica, Craig Westendorf and Nick Pegelow in a footwashing ceremony for our recorded service. Pastor Sarah reminded us that “… the messenger is not above the one receiving the message.” She went on to propose a real life example to us: “Have you found that to be true, that when you are sharing the Love of God with others in word and deed, that you receive a greater understanding; an overflow of God’s Grace?” How do we apply Jesus’s mandate to love one another as we love ourselves.
Good Friday, April 2
In a solemn service, Pastor Sarah and Vicar Veronica walked us through six of the stations of the cross, pictured below. The sanctuary was open all day, for any who wished to come in to pray. Several members took advantage of the opportunity! The sanctuary had already been decorated for Easter, but Nick Pegelow cleverly set up this Good Friday altar, reminding us that we have to walk through the pain of the crucifixion to achieve the glorious resurrection.
Easter Sunday, April 4
What a wonderful celebration, and a wonderful rising to share with each other this year! About a hundred of us joined to celebrate the resurrection across our three services. There were six or eight individuals who came to our courtyard worship at 7am, and shared an intimate ceremony of lighting the Paschal candle, and holy communion. The 9am and 11am services proved as wonderful and heartwarming as one expects Easter Sunday to be, with Craig Westendorf’s unparalleled rendition of Jesus Christ is Risen today, and Spanish language favorite, Resucito.
The beautiful Easter decorations are still up in the sanctuary through the Easter season. Come and see!
Remember, we have officially returned to in-person worship on Sundays at 9am. All are welcome, masks are required!