June Work Day: We are awesome!

We had 5 people show up to clean in the kitchen and Parish Hall this last Saturday, June 12. Jenny Carr, John Jonstonbaugh, Judy Duemler-Tyler, Gail Turner, and Madaline Hansen spent their mornings under the capable direction of Danielle Bowen-Weiszmann. This small but mighty group cleaned the kitchen, and sorted through the recycling center. They also too the time to wash down shelving and toss loose trash. Judi took some items to be recycled, like eyeglasses, as well as donations for Grace and dropped them off at various places.

The next Campus Work Day will be scheduled for the month of September, once the heat becomes a bit less oppressive.

Enjoy your summer, and think about what you’d like to see done on campus in September!


But what IS Reconciling in Christ???


Reconciling in God