But what IS Reconciling in Christ???

When Faith Lutheran Church became the second church in the state of Arizona to partner with ReconcilingWorks to become Reconciling in Christ congregation, it was an effort! Many of us here now were not present for that decision making process, and may even take this status for granted, so what does it really mean?

Join Pastor Sarah Isakson and other RIC pastors and congregants from other churches in Arizona to discuss what it means, how it affects our worship, our ministries, and our communities. These meetings are open to any who wish to learn more about what other RIC churches are doing, how they express God’s affirming love, and how their congregations recognize this status.

The next meeting is on Tuesday, July 6 at 3:30pm! Sign up below to receive the Zoom link.


Photos: Loving our Neighbor with Sack Lunches


June Work Day: We are awesome!