Call Process Update

It sure has been a little while since last we talked about where we stand in the call process. You may recall that our Church Council, Transition Team, and Call Committee came together on August 15th to meet with our then-transition coach, Rev. Doris Nolan, and our current coach, Janice Zimbelman.

At that meeting, we reviewed the draft of our Ministry Site Profile (MSP), which is basically our job listing. This document is posted to the internet, and ELCA pastors seeking their next (or first) call will use this information to determine whether they would like to submit an application (of sorts. I think the church jargon is “submit mobility papers”) for the call.

The Transition Team took edits and suggestions that came out of that meeting, and applied them to create a beautifully cohesive 14-page document that describes who we are as a congregation. The final draft of the MSP was submitted on November 1st, and is now in the hands of the synod to approve and post to this website. It’s not posted yet, so keep your eyes peeled.

As for the next step in the process, our Call Committee has had to restructure a bit, so Erik Rehms is currently heading up the team. They are currently being caught up to speed by the Transition Team, Church Council, and our Transition Coach Janice. They will begin their regular meetings very soon!

For a familiar vibe, here’s the timeline you’re used to!


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