This Week at Faith
Oh, I reckon you thought this segment had been 86’d from the line-up, huh? Not this time! I’ve had so much fun this week!
Roofing and Repairs
As you may recall from last week’s edition of Faith Alive!, we have a need for some repairs to roofs. Several years ago, our very own Clint Crowe used his expertise as a roofer to replace much of the damaged Spanish tile on the main building. This in mind, Pastor Sarah called on Clint once again to get an estimate for all that needs to be done on campus. The news - I’m going to be honest with you - isn’t great. There is a lot of work to be done on the office/preschool building, which could amount to upwards of $20k.
The good news, however, is that Clint is doing well, and I had the opportunity to chat with him for a few minutes - I even got to see his whole face! The other good news is that we love this place! We love this community! And we are re-forming to get Faith back in shape, and back on the map. Look out, Phoenix!
Faith Place
As I mentioned last week, LSS-SW has made a request that we honor the tenant/landlord relationship that we have chosen to have with the families living on our campus. The reason for this is not that they want us to back off, but rather to make sure that those who are involving themselves with these families have gone through the proper channels to be vetted and trained. They encourage our neighborly interactions with them, but suggest that we go through training if we’d like to become more involved.
If you’re still a little iffy about being personally involved with human beings who aren’t within your household, there are several ways that you can still help without knocking on the door at 805:
1. Donate dollars to LSS-SW directly
2. Add a contribution to your regular giving with “LSS-SW Refugee Assistance” on the memo line, and we’ll make the donation on your behalf.
3. Donate goods to LSS-SW
Advent Soup Suppers
When I left town on Friday, I thought that maybe we’d get a couple of sign-ups for soup on Wednesdays in Advent, and I’d need to advertise it for at least another week or two, but you guys! YOU GUYS. You signed up for all three slots, every single week, for all of advent, with the exception of December 1. So what I’m hearing you say is that your love language is food, and you’re really excited to share that with one another.
(Also, Suzanne Johnstonbaugh is bringing her homemade bread on 12/15. We don’t technically need it, but we won’t regret having it. If you’ve never had her homemade bread, you’d better make sure you’re here that day. But while you’re at it, may as well come all four Wednesdays of Advent.)
The Books.
I know that I’ve mentioned in the past that a bookkeeper has been coming by to help us make sure that our finances are in order. Deedee did an amazing job of keeping everything running smoothly, and I need just a little bit more help. While I’m still not ready to give you an official update on the finances for the year, it looks like we’re on track to where we expected to be at this time. Keep your eyes peeled for an official version of Vital Signs in the very near future!
Speaking of money…
As I type this, our Counters are in the conference room, diligently counting up your offerings.
A) Thank you for continuing to make contributions, even when you may not be physically in attendance at worship.
2) I would like to remind you that we count the offerings 2x/month - once near the middle of the month, and again at the end of the month.
d) Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about your quarterly contribution statements. End of year statements will be available in mid-January 2022.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at the church office. If you’d like to join the counters’ team, please also contact me at the church office! I’ll get you in touch with the right people!
Sidenote: our Business & Administration Ministry will be in the Courtyard with sign-up sheets on Sunday, November 28. Ministry lead and Council Treasurer Dave Hulin will be at the table to provide more information if you have any questions!
And the kitties!
While Faith’s campus has absolutely come alive with human beings over the past 6-8 months, our three furry friends have been keeping steadfast guard over the property. It’s funny how cats just kind of… know when their person is gone, right? I got into the office on Tuesday morning and I heard Lucky (the fuzzy one) meowing non stop, but I couldn’t see him! As a cat lover, I was terrified that I had driven over him, but wouldn’t you know it that little goober was hanging out on top of the veranda! Then he had the audacity to sit at the front door with his cute little eyeballs just visible in the door window and wait for me to feed him! It was adorable. I thought I took a photo but I didn’t. I am so sorry.