Remembering Pulse

Written by Carly Chamberlain

Almost exactly one year after the US Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional to ban individuals of the same sex to join together in marriage, a man opened fire in Pulse Night Club in Orlando and killed nearly fifty people, wounding over fifty more. June 12, 2016 was a tense day for members of both the LGBTQIA+ community, and the Latinx community.

Was this a radicalized Islamic terrorist, like the news says?
Was this a hate crime?
If so, who is the target?
Is it the gay community?
Is it the Latinx community?
Is it all Americans?

On that day and the days, weeks, and months that followed, we faced that question every single time we walked into spaces that we had once considered safe. Pulse was a haven of safety, enjoyment, and freedom where members of the queer Latinx community in Orlando were allowed to be themselves, unabashedly.

We know, however, that it doesn’t have to be one or the other. This heinous act was both a hate crime and an act of terrorism, but how are we to commemorate the massive losses incurred on that fateful day? How are we to regain that sense of safety and belonging, even when the tragedy didn’t happen in our backyard?

Here at Faith Lutheran Church, we strive to take back that safety. We welcome all, and we share a message that YOU ARE SAFE HERE. Of course, there will be moments where that safety, warmth, and welcome feel threatened. There will be moments where we worry that if we put ourselves out there too much that we may face a backlash from which we cannot recover.

This Saturday, I hope you will join me as we pray for the friends and families of loved ones lost to hate crimes and terrorism. Pray with me that together, our congregation can be a safe space for members of the LGBTQIA+ community, as well as the Latinx community, and that we can share the good news that Christ is risen!


Reconciling in God


The Fourth at Faith