Re-Formation, Pt. 3
Re-Formation does NOT mean going “back to the way we have always done it”.
Re-Formation does NOT mean throwing out all the “old” and replacing with all “new”.
Re-Formation does NOT mean endless commitment to one activity or “team”.
Re-Formation DOES mean getting the work done by looking at possibilities.
Re-Formation DOES involve discerning what is good for NOW, and not just habit.
Re-Formation DOES mean commitment for a part of the whole that is doable for YOU.
It is still true that organizations are made stronger by active participation by all members. When you take an active part in the workings of the organization, you experience ownership, and pride, and wanting to keep it working, and seeing how to even improve the process and outcomes. In this case, the “organization” is our church, Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church. If you are a member, if you worship here regularly, if you want to …you are needed for the smooth working of some aspect of the overall Ministry of this Congregation, your participation is wanted and seen as vital.
There is a place saved for you! Come and find where your time and talents may be used well.