Re-Formation, Pt 2
Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church, like countless other congregations of most denominations has suffered setbacks and slowdowns over time. Surges and setbacks occur with the natural rhythms of life, people come and go, stages of life progress, needs that once were primary are no longer, and new things take new energy. Our recent interruptions coupled with the time between called Pastors go right along with the COVID-19 Pandemic. Wow, big changes in one “perfect storm”…yet the work goes on! God’s Work doesn’t bend to earthly interruptions. People stepped up in whole new ways to be sure the “Our Hands” work still got done. People are people and have the human frailties of exhaustion, even burn out, when there are not enough hands put to the tasks and programs that need to be carried forward.
Now the new normal is forming all around us, including right here in our midst. Your time and talents are essential to Faith’s strength and growth. You and your energy are needed here. Do not get stuck in just going back to what was the rhythm of the past; please think in terms of now and the future, and where you can be best utilized as we grow the future. Do think about what you used to do and how your knowledge may be helpful to people learning the tasks and projects that are still at hand. Pray, stretch, do think about where you could-should-would be used to further the Work of The Church…here at Faith. Take this opportunity to participate in a way different than what you have in the past. Think about WHEN in your calendar for the year you could be available. Think about HOW your hands can be utilized. Think about WHERE your time and talents are needed. None of the work is unimportant, it’s just different. Think about WHAT you can do to carry out the Ministry of Faith.
“Listen. Listen, God is Calling”
Next week some specifics to be considered. Jesus needs you! So do we!