Pastoral Message: “More Miscellany Upon My Return” Week of the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost August 9, 2023

Pastoral Message:

“More Miscellany Upon My Return”

Week of the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

August 9, 2023


Dear People of God at Faith-La Fe!


As I prepare to re-enter my pastoral routines after some time away, here are a few items to keep you informed about our life together.


A True Vacation


First off, I’m glad to report that I enjoyed a true vacation, one of the few genuine times away from work and parental responsibilities that I’ve had in several years. When I lived in Virginia, much of my vacation time was taken up with parenting my son – which, of course, was lovely, but not vacation! Then, it’s also true, I must confess, that I am prone to doing a good bit of work even when taking vacation days. In my call to lead and serve among you, I am endeavoring now to be more disciplined about taking genuine breaks. So, aside from this message and doing some thinking about coming sermons (which for me is fun and integral to my spiritual life), I’ve truly vacated during these days work-related concerns.


My time with family in the North Carolina mountains was a real respite and quite restorative. Days included some hiking in the mountains, reading for pleasure, good eating, attendance at an Appalachian Mountain music jam session, and compelling conversation and quality time with my brother and sister-in-law, nephew and his toddler son and his wife, and my niece and her husband. And as promised and expected, I spent a lot of time just sitting contemplatively on a rocking chair on the porch looking out at the Great Smoky Mountains, the view to which ever-changes because of cloud cover and the sun’s progression in the sky throughout the day. Additionally, the temperatures in the mountains were very pleasant with highs in the low to mid 80’s – a much needed reprieve from the unprecedented heatwave in Phoenix.


When pastors attend to their well-being through taking time off, that ends up also being a service to those in their care when they return to pastoral duties renewed and restored. So, it has been for me in these days away.


And I am glad for my colleague, Pastora Veronica, who quite capably holds down the pastoral fort when I’m away, along with our other staff members and many capable lay leaders who keep our routines in motion. Thanks to them, to you, and to God for this time of respite.


A Word about Worship on Mary, Mother of Our Lord – August 15


Described elsewhere in the announcement section of this week’s pastoral message is the liturgy when we will commemorate and celebrate Mary, Mother of Our Lord – Tuesday, August 15 at 7:00 pm. This is a particularly significant liturgy in that several portions of the service will be sung by a quartet of singers convened by our musician, Jim Sage. When this ensemble sings the Kyrie and Gloria along with the Sanctus and Agnus Dei, it’s not about them giving a concert performance. Rather, these selections are offered by the ensemble to serve our worship of Almighty God, who has done great things for Mary and for us. These pieces will take a longer time to sing than our usual versions of these liturgical canticles when sung by the whole assembly. Thus, we’ll invite you to be seated during these portions of the liturgy. And these familiar canticles will be sung in Latin, using William Byrd’s “Mass for Four Voices,” an exquisite musical setting of the Mass. An English translation will be provided in the bulletin. Which is to say, when you’re seated, engaging the music of Byrd offered by the ensemble, I encourage you to read and pray along, paying special attention to the familiar words so that through the Spirit working in the intersections between words and music, you may apprehend the deeper meanings of very familiar liturgical texts. In short, Mary, Mother of Our Lord will be a special occasion of worship not to be missed.


In Preparation for a New Program Year


Upon my return to usual pastoral activity, we’ll all be gearing up and making final plans for the coming new program year which formally commences just after Labor Day – marking the one-year anniversary of my time with you as senior pastor. There’s a long list of needs and opportunities which our Congregation Council will review and prioritize in making further plans for our shared missionary work. And there will be some new initiatives and events to anticipate in the coming new program year. Watch for further word about all of this in coming Pastoral Messages.


With prayerful best wishes to all of you in Jesus’ name as I anticipate my return to Phoenix and to Faith-La Fe,


Pastor Jonathan Linman


Pastor’s Office Phone Number: 602-265-5860




William Byrd’s Mass for Four Voices: Holy Communion on Mary, Mother of Our Lord, Tuesday, August 15 at 7:00 pm


We will have a special liturgy of Holy Communion celebrating Mary, Mother of Our Lord on Tuesday, August 15 at 7:00 pm. On this occasion, we will be treated to the music of William Byrd, one of the most important and excellent composers of the English Reformation period in the 16th Century. The Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei will be sung by a small vocal ensemble to enhance and deepen our worshipful devotion. This is not a concert, but the inclusion of Byrd’s wonderful music in our worship as was intended when this music was written over five hundred years ago. This is one of our special midweek liturgies not to be missed as we celebrate and give thanks for Mary, Mother of Our Lord!


Bible Study Routine Resumes on August 16!


Our Wednesday bible studies at 10:30 am and 6:00 pm return again beginning on Wednesday, August 16 in our usual hybrid format – in person in the conference room of our church office suite or via Zoom. If you’ve not participated before, you’re always most welcome to join in these holy conversations focusing on the Gospel reading for the coming Sundays. Kindly let Pastor Linman know of your interest:


A Thousand Thanks for a Great Annual Picnic!


On July 30 the Faith/La Fe Annual Congregational Picnic returned and a wonderful time was had by all. Many thanks to all those who helped make this such a fun time. Thanks to you who brought delicious beverages, appetizers, salads, sides and desserts. Thanks to you who in the short time between the Forum and the end of the Spanish language service transformed Parish Hall into a festive picnic space and the Chapel into game central complete with popcorn and shaved ice machines. Thanks to the Shaws for providing games and the Macarenos for the popcorn and shaved ice machines. Thanks especially to the Johnstonbaughs who braved broiling temperatures to grill delicious jumbo hot dogs, hamburgers, salmon patties and veggie burgers until everyone had their fill and more. Thanks to our new Church Council Exec Team for inspiring us with their comments during the Council Moment. Thanks to you who stayed after the picnic to clean up and put Parish Hall and the Chapel back to normal configurations. Thanks to Jan K for taking home all the table linens and returning them laundered and ready for use. And thanks especially to the Picnic Planning Committee: Suzanne Johnstonbaugh, Francisca Shaw, Diane Havir, Kathie Johnson and Jan Hulin.


Autumn Rummage Sale 


Mark your calendars because the date has been set! Faith/La Fe will be holding its next rummage sale on Saturday, October 21. You may bring your donations beginning Sunday, August 20. Please coordinate larger and weekday drop-offs with Carli Chamberlain at 269-267-4899. For any other questions about the upcoming sale, please contact Carli and/or Jan Hulin.


Donations Needed: Modifications to Narthex Doors!


Many thanks to Calvin and Heidi Boldway whose efforts resulted in the installation of panic bars on the exit doors in the nave – a major improvement to our building that improves the ease of exiting the room and thus enhances our overall security.


Now we are committed to undertaking the same modifications to the main doors in the narthex of the church. Fred and Kathie Johnson have made a generous donation to this project – a thousand thanks to them! – but we are still in need of about $500 to complete the project. Thus, we invite you to send your specially intended gifts ASAP! You can make checks payable to Faith Church, but kindly note “narthex doors” on the memo line! If donations exceed the needed amount, we’ll direct the money to other capital improvement projects around the church, of which there will be many!


Faith-La Fe Continues to Support Heat Respite Ministry at Grace Church Downtown – Especially Needed and Crucial During this Heatwave!


As a part of the Grand Canyon Synod Hunger Leaders Network, Chris Jacobson and Gail Turner are heading up efforts at Faith/La Fe to gather food and other items to support the Heat Respite Program at Grace Lutheran Church downtown Phoenix this Summer until August 20th.


Throughout the summer, there will be bins in the breeze way each week where worshipers may drop off their offerings of items for Grace’s guests experiencing homelessness, such as:

·        Bottled water, any size

·        Packaged snacks (“grab & go”) 

·        Being aware that many people do not have teeth: individual cans or cups of fruits, puddings, potted meats are good for that reason.

·        Small jars (or individual) peanut butter


Other items needed: 

·        Shoes for men and women

·        Socks for men and women

·        Gently used clothing for men and women

·        Backpacks

·        Blankets

·        Tents, and collapsible umbrellas

·        Small personal hygiene items (travel size or bring from your hotel stays)

·        Toothbrushes & small toothpaste


Also, volunteer opportunities abound, call Grace at 602-258-3787 to learn more.

Thank you for your compassion and generosity!


Chris Jacobson and Gail Turner


Lutheran Books of Worship Available to You


Now that the green Lutheran Books of Worship have been replaced in our pews with the cranberry-colored Evangelical Lutheran Worship, copies of LBW are available to you to take home, especially for those whose family members are honored on memorial plates in the fronts of the books. Look for the LBW’s on tables in the library end of the parish hall. They will be organized alphabetically by last name so that you will have an easier time identifying books you or your family might have donated to honor loved ones. So, we invite you to look through the books and take home those which memorialize your family. Once family members have had a chance to look through the books, the remaining LBW’s will be available to anyone who wants a copy or more as a keepsake.


Mark Your Calendars Now for Upcoming Special Worship Services


Further details about the following special occasions for worship is forthcoming, but please note these special liturgies now in your calendars!


·        August 15 at 7:00 pm + Mary, Mother of Our Lord, Holy Communion


·        September 14 at 7:00 pm + Holy Cross Day, Evensong


·        November 1 at 7:00 pm + All Saints’ Day, Holy Communion


Upcoming Saturday Quiet Days at Faith-La Fe in 2023


Saturday, September 30 – on this day, close to the commemoration of St. Francis of Assisi, we will explore Franciscan Spirituality and what it might mean for Lutherans in ministry and mission in the 21st Century.


Saturday, October 28 – as we approach Reformation Sunday, this will be a day devoted to revealing key features of specifically Lutheran Spirituality, or Christian spirituality with Lutheran accents. We will discover that there’s a lot to draw from in our own tradition to take us ever more deeply into spiritual life.


Saturday, November 18 – this day will be devoted to spending our time together in our beautiful nave doing “Stations of Our Stained Glass Windows,” a series of visual meditations on our stained-glass windows and the miracles and parables of Jesus they depict. We’ll explore in conversation the bible stories the windows are based on, and then look carefully at the windows to see features of the story which the stained-glass art highlights. Each station will feature a hymn before we move on to the next window.


 The excitement is building! With just over two months to go before the Just Love Gathering kicks off, now is the time to prepare for in-kind giving.

 Providing in-kind support for the people of our host city is always a major component of any triennial gathering. It will be true in Phoenix too. There are three primary ways to support in-kind giving: through quilts, knitted knockers, and particular items needed by local service agencies. Check out the full details at and download the fact sheet. A copy of the fact sheet is attached for your convenience. Make copies of the fact sheet and invite the women of your congregational unit to contribute. Why stop there? Invite your whole congregation! Invite your family and neighbors!


Pastoral Message: “Initial Reflections on Engaging Our Visitors” Week of the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost August 16, 2023


Pastoral Message: “Thoughts on the Future of Faith-La Fe, Part Three” Week of the Eighth Sunday after PentecostJuly 26, 2023