May 15 Work Day
It’s been a long year with a lot of dust and very few humans on campus, so we’ve got a lot of work to do to get our campus ship shape! In April, nine of us came together to clean up the grounds by mowing the lawn, trimming trees and bushes, cleaning windows and throwing junk away. Now it’s time to move our work indoors!
On Saturday, May 15th, from 8:30am to 11:30am, the parishioners of Faith will join forces with Fred Cowley’s unparalleled Thrivent volunteer group to clean up in the playground at the preschool, in the robing room, and in the sacristy - plus an extra fun painting adventure in Faith Center! This effort is only the second in a monthly series of workdays that began on April 10.
If you would like to lead one of these work days, please contact the church office, or fill out the form, here.