Mini Retreat on Spiritual Gifts & What it means to belong to a Church Community

We think of Lent as a time to acknowledge and confess our sins and shortcomings. But the devotional spirit of this season of reflection and study also invites us to name the good gifts with which we are blessed as children of God. 

Have you ever wondered what are the special spiritual gifts that God has entrusted to you? And have you ever wondered how best to use those gifts in the church and in the world? Then join us on Saturday, March 15 beginning at 10:00 am for this year’s Lenten mini-retreat which will assist you with tools and insights about how to answer those questions about your unique spiritual gifts. Time will include worship, study and conversation about our particular spiritual gifts and how to use them to honor God while we serve church and world. Our time together will conclude by 1:00 pm. Kindly let Pastor Linman or Deacon Intern Carly Chamberlain know of your intent to join us.


Fish Fry Fridays


Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost, Matthew 20:1-16, Sept. 24, 2023