June Church Council Corner

The June 8, 2021 FELC Council met via Zoom with 7 members present, 3 absent, Pr. Sarah Birdsall-Isakkson, & Vicar Veronica Alvarez.

Treasurer’s Report

  • Treasurer’s report reflects a deficit of about $11,000.

  • There are positive signs considering the April P&L reflected 3 payroll periods in April, down to 2 in May & the next 3 payroll period month will not be until October.

  • Offerings have increased since the resumption of in-person Worship.

Pastor’s Report

  • Usual involvements with Congregation, Conference, Synod, personal growth and education.

  • In addition, there are more hours due to the decrease in COVID restrictions and in-person Worship.

  • Transition Team continues to meet weekly & are nearly finished with analysis of the survey, now awaiting finalization of the financial component, then will proceed with the Congregation Ministry Site Profile (MSP) process and publication.

  • The Personnel Handbook is nearing completion of revision, including streamlining and updating supportive information.

Vicar’s Report

  • Vicar Veronica has officially been approved to advance into the internship phase of her Seminary Studies and will be with us at Faith for a full year in that capacity. That is a win-win-win opportunity!

  • Vicar Veronica has met with Congregants of the Latino Ministry, currently on “pause” for 7 weeks as they engage in discerning their future as La Fe, celebrating the past & looking to the future.

  • Dave Hulin met with the 14 persons present at the meeting 06/06 to explain the financial aspect of our Congregation and the impact on programs and prospect of a new called Pastor.

  • The people attending show engagement, understanding, and commitment by asking, “What can we do return to Worship in Spanish and be an integral part of Faith?” They were open about their wants, needs, and unnecessary aspects, and voiced wanting to pursue “hybrid” styles of Worship and involvement.

  • Council voted to continue the Latino Ministry for the next year under the leadership of Vicar/Intern Veronica to continue as they discern presence, planning, alterations in style of Worship, commitments, growth and development.

  • This was MSA with 6 yes, and 1 abstention votes.

Administration Ministry:

  • Proposal to enhance Internet capabilities in Sanctuary, Parish Hall, and Chapel which would include live streaming Worship, allowance for technology for education, Adult Forum presentations, and hybrid meetings, plus other facility users was MSA.

  • Costs of installation are prorated at $200./ month and grants are under way to help subsidize this.

  • Observations of the new Cleaning and Landscaping companies show crews working well and quality results.

  • Community Ministry:

  • Support for the Cooling Center at Grace Lutheran Church will include making sandwiches 06/13&29, and again in August.

  • Craig Westendorf will present an Organ concert 07/04 (after Worship) of patriotic music of the highest order, and suggesting an Ice Cream social (following CDC guidelines, of course)!

  • Pr. Sarah will be conducting 12 Step Theology and Relational classes weekly in July.

Parish Ministry:

  • The Transition Team will hold 2 informative Congregational meeting soon, with dates TBD.

  • Next CC meeting is 07/13, with election of Officers, Council Installation is 07/18.

  • August 07 is Council Retreat.

  • On 08/15 Pr, Doris Nolan, Synod Coach for Congregations in Transition, will hold a meeting for Council, Transition Team, and Call Committee in gelling the Call Process.

  • We acknowledge Bunni Rowlett and Mike Valder for their years of faithful work and service on the Church Council, and look for their continued work in the Congregation in other areas. Thank you!

    Respectfully submitted,
    Gail M. Turner, CC Secretary


World Refugee Day, June 17


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