From the Pastor’s Pen
Looking forward to the Resurrection of our Faith community in the Easter season. A few people have told me that they are LOOKING FORWARD to getting back to “CHURCH” soon. Well you and I know “ It will never be the same” . The disciples knew that at the foot of the cross. Little did they expect that what Jesus had promised would come true. They knew on one level that He would die a tortured death, and rise again on the third day. Still they went through all the stages of grief and fear was unsettling the whole community. The time between Easter Sunday, the third day, and Pentecost was one of Jesus appearing and renewing their understanding of Faith Alive. This year we get to conjoin our community on different levels and know that “It will never be the same”. We will be unsettled, We will look back and grieve the Good old days, we will leave behind things that we took for granted and hopefully move forward to invigorated faith and hope for an energized community of love, caring and outreach to our needy members and neighbors. The Holy Spirit will be our teacher, comforter and guide. Honor the past, get active in the present and get ready to Go with God into the future.
Rev. Sarah Isakson