Church/Preschool Workday a Success!

Twenty-five (but we may have undercounted) Faith Thrivent, Preschool staff, and Preschool parent volunteers showed up on a recent Saturday morning and performed a Pre-Easter facelift at Faith.

One of the tasks was to replenish wood chips to bring the Preschool playground up to standard. It started with 30 cubic yards of the chips dumped in the church parking lot. Think Mt. Rainier, minus the snow, plus 85 degrees of broiling spring heat.  It took nine volunteers three hours to shovel the woodchips into wheel barrows; make some 700 trips from parking lot to playground; dump the woodchips; rake them into a level six inch cushion on the playground; and finally make Mt. Rainier disappear. The bible says “a child shall lead them…” actually many worked hard but one of those hard workers was a teen-ager (no longer a child), Ashley Crowe. Thanks Ashley and everybody who pitched in. A Thrivent grant paid for $250 worth of woodchips, but like the price of gas, those chips aren’t cheap, with the Pre-school “chipping” in another $750. 

Lots more was going on at the same time. Joe Jones brought his power washer and gave the Pre-school breezeway and exterior a fresh look. The Pre-school exterior windows and Parish Hall windows were washed and dried and the Parish Hall blinds got a soap and water bath. Outside, a weed patch behind the church office was eliminated and a huge pile of unsavory mulch was sifted into a mound of rich soil, which soon will find its way into the church vegetable garden. The doors on the east side of the church got a gleaming coat of paint. (If you need some quality painting done, John Tomlinson and Jennie Carr may or may not be available). A few other jobs were accomplished, and Jane Upham was able to cross off several items on her “Church To Do List”. Too many volunteers to list, and we don’t want to leave anyone out, but a big “Thanks” to everyone who participated.


New Member Corner: Judy Preciado


New Bible Study Curriculum