Calling All FLC Historians!

You guys! We’re celebrating our 76th anniversary this year! In a state that is only 109 years old, celebrating an anniversary of this caliber no small feat. Taking record of events as they happen has long been a responsibility happily taken on by religious institutions. Even in Game of Thrones, it’s the monk types who record all of history!

That said, I feel like it’s probably safe to say that we have among us some really wonderful and amazing stories about Faith Lutheran Church, and we want to share them.

Tell us about what you find remarkable about Faith. Have you got a funny story about the Organ Project? Do you know the history of the Chapel better than anyone else? What do you know about the establishment of the preschool? Have you got any photos from the Church Office building from before its life as the office? We want it all!

So the next question is of course: How do we share those stories?

If you’re the type of storyteller who works best with pen and paper, write your story down and send it to the church office by email or snail mail!

If you’re more of a verbal storyteller and you want to share your story with your voice, record your story on your phone and send it to the church office. You can also give me a call (602-265-3394) and we can schedule a time for an in-person interview with myself, or another willing recorder.

If you’ve got photos you don’t care to keep, feel free to bring them into the office, or mail them to us!

If you’ve got photos you do wish to keep, Google has a great app called PhotoScan which helps you to create a copy of your photo and story it on your phone!

Finally, if you love Faith’s history and want to be involved in compiling a comprehensive story, physical display, and/or “History” web page, let me know!


June Member News


Hymns Alive!