Meet Jane Upham

From cracking cement to unfinished flooring, there’s a lot of upkeep that needs to be done on Faith’s campus. I mean, come on, the building is 75 years old. That’s why for the past month or so, Jane Upham of New Hampshire has been spending at least one day a week here at Faith fixing up our campus.

So far, here’s what she’s done:

  • Patched cement on steps to kitchen

  • Patched cement on columns in courtyard

  • Cleaned and organized shed

  • Cleaned and painted Chapel Narthex

  • Begun staining and sealing Parish Hall and Chapel exterior doors

  • Repaired dry, damaged, and warped wood on exterior Chapel doors

  • Fixed various plumbing issues on campus

  • Installed privacy screen on preschool chain-link fence

  • Closed gap between preschool fence and block wall for child safety

  • Provided general guidance on how to make sure we are able to do the repairs she can’t

Jane is donating her time to FLC for upkeep of the grounds because she says, “Gay people have spent so much time looking for a place to do what they want to do - worship. Finally, there’s a place to do that safely and peacefully, without judgement or recourse. I want to maintain this space for that.

So far, all of the work that Jane has completed has saved us at least $2000 in plumbing alone. The next project she wants to tackle is finishing the flooring in the Chapel nave & narthex, saving the congregation over $6000 in repair costs.

Jane worships at St. Andrew Lutheran Church in West Phoenix. There, she is involved with church council, and spends some weekdays recording and editing their virtual worship services to publish online.

If you’d like to get involved in this campus revitalization effort, there are a number of ways you can help.

  1. Jane is on campus every Friday, and is happy to put other volunteers to work. Even if all you do is run out to the truck to grab tools, your time and energy is invaluable.

  2. Make a financial contribution for a project you’d like to see completed. Due to covid-related supply chain issues, materials are a lot more expensive than they were a year and a half ago, so we can use any financial support on materials that you can muster.

  3. Lead a campus work day. We’re taking the summer off because it’s stinkin’ hot out there, but if there’s a big project that you’ve got big ideas for, let me know and we’ll help you with tools, materials, and finding the manpower to get it done!


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June Member News